Top Fuel Preview
Last year’s Main Event was blessed with perfect weather conditions resulting in a capacity crowd and stunning performances. In Top Fuel, Andy Carter gave the home crowd something to cheer about by beating Stig Neergaard in the final and taking a first step towards a new European Championship.
To say last year’s Main Event was filled with action is an understatement. What about Tommy Rostgaard’s breathtaking accident when he could not stop one of Stig Neergaard’s Top Fuelers and landed in the field beyond the end of the track?

Andy Carter will start the season as the title favourite but Urs Erbacher is back from the States and eager to get the crown back. And what will Risto Poutiainen do with his new Top Fueler? Will Anita Mäkelä benefit from the presence of top American tuner Donnie Bender? And what about Micke Kågered, Stig Neergard and the other two Rune Fjeld cars with Jari Halinen and Easter Thunderball winner Janne Ahonen at the wheel?

Text: Remco Scheelings
Photo: Remco Scheelings

This article is part of the Speedgroup Club Europe Newsletter #1/2010

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