Pro Stock Bike Preview
At Gardermoen the Pro Stock Bike class compete in a 16 bike elimination ladder. The preliminary entry list consist of 15 riders, which means all have a place in the ladder  after having performed an approved qualification run. 
Anders Abrahamson got into serious competition with the two championship points leaders Ulf Ögge and Kenneth Vik at the recent rained out event at Mantorp Park. While Ögge and Vik did not qualify Abrahamson qualified no #1 and also set a new Mantorp Park track record ET of 7.242 sec. He arrives at Gardermoen with the plan to continue where he ended at Mantorp Park and the bike is race ready. Anders is serious but says it with a sense of humour: "Drag Racing is a problem and we are there to solve it"

Reigning champion Ögge´s problems at Mantorp were of a temporary kind possibly connected with a bit of bad luck too as the timing system did not log what his on board computer showed was his quickest run by far. So expectations and hopes from team Ögge are high for the coming event.  

Vik´s problem on the other hand was technical during the last race and the question is if it was temporary. Trusting the skills of Roger Lyrén and the VEIDEC Racing crew I would say it won´t happen again soon.

Other riders that are clear potential winners at Gardermoen  include Fredrik Fredlund, who qualified 2nd quickest at Mantorp Park and is currently 4th in the points standings.

Pro Stock Bike

Jesper Thiel missed the round in Finland but came back strongly during the last race, qualified 3rd quickest and is currently no #6 in the championship. 

Gabriella Nikolovska showed in Finland and Sweden she has a place among the top 8, with a new engine this season and looking confident riding the bike, can she repeat and improve?

Team VEIDEC Racing riders Kalle Lyrén and Stavros Svrachnos are riders that I personally expect to see on the upper half of the qualification list again at Gardermoen, just like at Mantorp.

European record holder Dave Beck had technical problems at Mantorp, was in the field but without being able to show his full potential. Will he arrive on site at Gardermoen with all problems sorted and have a serious go for the win ? Beck, missed out the round in Finland and is currently at the 10th position in the championship.

Bishop certainly have the potential to win rounds. He was 3rd in the championship 2009. Having missed one championship round he is currently 14th. Laseur broke  parts at Mantorp and had to park the bike only after one run. I am unsure at the moment what it will that mean for his continued racing and entry at Gardermoen.

Check the preliminary entry list to see what other riders have entered.  

Text: Åsa Kinnemar
Photo: Remco Scheelings, Henrik Vormdohre

This article is part of the Speedgroup Club Europe Newsletter #6/2010

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