New Swedish inventions go worldwide
Håkan Nordström, from Falun, Sweden, is one of our most successful
Stock/SuperStock drivers and has also developed a component for V8
line-boring operations that is easily mounted to a milling machine.
In Falun we find one of our most successful Stock/Super Stock
drivers, Håkan Nordström. Last year he enjoyed a fine season, ending up
no. 3 in the NDRS, no. 6 in the SDL and no. 4 in the Swedish
Championship in this competitive eliminator.
"But I´m sure I can do better than that," smiles Håkan. "I've now
invested in a new engine. As there are fresh classes and rules coming
into this eliminator this year, the new Hemi's being built to fit the
new rules. One major change is that we can now use roller rockers, so
they're being installed of course. I'm getting excellent help from the
former owner of this car, Dave Schmitz, and the engine builder, Don
Little, in the USA – just amazing old men who are still going strong
and just love drag racing. Dave has had a tough time lately, but drag
racing is keeping his spirits up. I´m lucky I have these gentlemen
helping me out."
Håkan makes all kinds of industrial components with his CNC machinery.
Håkan hopes the engine will be ready and installed in his handsome
black Cuda in time for the first race at Tierp Arena in May. If not,
the old engine will suffice. Until then he has lots of projects on the