..Well, that Peter Svensson and team STARTA was out to further improve
their European record was no secret. But to wish or plan for and to
actually do it are of course very separate things..
day one during the qualifications it was clear that Peter Svensson was
going to perform in a different league than his collegues this weekend.
With that said it did not indicate he was going to be consistent..
just so much much quicker than any of his fellow contenders. The ET of
5.709 sec was the quickest ever run performed by a Top Fuel Bike and of
course good for the no.1 position in the qualification rankings.
King did not run close to his personal best this time, but 6.23 sec at
350 km/h cleared him as second quickest without doubt. Rikards
Gustafsson on his funny bike managed 6.469 which is close to a
personal best and great performance to watch. Peter Ström-Andersson 4th
quickest at 6.74 sec. , while Nils Lagerlöf an Kai Selkämaa was
not showing their best yet during the qualifications. A 15 sec run is
not what we have learnt to expect from Selkämaa and Lagerlöf have
spoiled us with many fine 6-sec runs this season. In the qualification
rankings they stayed 5th (Lagerlöf) and 6th (Selkämaa) which
meant they would be up against the quicker Svensson and King already in
the first round of eliminations.
Peter Svensson
Don´t miss to read team STARTA and Peter Svenssons newsletter and race report by clicking this link!
Nils Lagerlöf
Kai Selkämaa